Slide1 Sites Guide
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Rock art is undoubtedly the artistic expression that has lasted longest in time and is most widespread globally. The only form that has been produced for over 40,000 years without interruptions and which is found all over the planet. UNESCO puts the number of places with rock art in the world at nearly 1,000 (much more, really). The main ones (all of them included in the Lists of World Heritage), due to their size or uniqueness are:


  • 01 Rock art paintings of Sierra de San Francisco. Mexico.
  • 02 National Park of Rapa Nui. Chile.
  • 03 National Park of Great Canyon. United States.
  • 04 National Park of Mesa Verde. United States.
  • 05 Chaco Culture. United States.
  • 06 Prehistoric Caves of Yagul and Mitla in the central Valley of Oaxaca. Mexico.
  • 07 Archaeological Park of San Agustín. Colombia.
  • 08 Lines and geoglyphs of Nazca and Pampas of Jumana. Perú.
  • 09 Fuerte de Samaipata. Bolivia.
  • 10 Quebrada de Humahuaca. Argentina.
  • 11 Natural Parks of Ischigualasto / Talampaya. Argentina.
  • 12 Cave of las Manos of the Pinturas River. Argentina.
  • 13 National Park of Sierra de Capivara. Brasil.
  • 14 National Park of Chiribiquete. Colombia.


  • 15 Sites of Prehistoric Rock Art of Côa Valley and Siega Verde. Portugal & Spain.
  • 16 Altamira Cave and Palaeolithic Rock Art of North Spain.
  • 17 Rock Art of the Mediterranean Bassin of the Iberian Peninsula. Spain.
  • 18 Risco Caído, Gran Canaria Island. Spain.
  • 19 Prehistoric sites and caves with paintings of the Vézère Valley. France.
  • 20 Cave with art of Pont-d´Arc, Chauvet Cave, Ardèche, France.
  • 21 Rock Art of Val Camónica. Italy.
  • 22 Rock art carvings of Tanum. Sweden.
  • 23 Rock Art of Alta. Norway.
  • 24 Petroglyphs of Lake Onega and the White Sea.



  • 25 Bandiagara (Land of Dogons). Mali.
  • 26 Tassili N’Ajjer. Argelia.
  • 27 Natural Reserve of Air and the Teneré. Niger.
  • 28 Rock Art site of Tadrart Acacus. Libya.
  • 29 Eco-system and Archaic Cultural Landscape of Lopé-Okanda. Gabon.
  • 30 Twyfelfontein or /Ui-//aes. Namibia.
  • 31 Tsodilo. Botswana.
  • 32 Hills of Matobo. Zimbabwe.
  • 33 Cultural Landscape of Mapungubwe. South Africa.
  • 34 uKhahlamba / Park of Maloti-Drakensberg. South Africa & Lesoto.
  • 35 Rock Art of Chongoni. Malawi.
  • 36 Rock Art sites of Kondoa. Tanzania.
  • 37 Massif of Ennedi: Natural and Cultural Landscape. Chad.


  • 38 Protected Area of Uadi Rum. Jordania.
  • 39 Rock Art Preserve of Gobustán. Azerbaijan.
  • 40 Sacred Mountain of Sulaiman-Too. Kirguizistan .
  • 41 Petroglyphs of the Archaeological Landscape of Tamgaly. Kazajstan.
  • 42 Petroglyphs assemblage of Mongolian Altai. Mongolia.
  • 43 Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka. India.
  • 44 Rock Art of Hail Region. Saudi Arabia.
  • 45 Rock Art Cultural Landscape of Zuojiang Huashan. China.


  • 46 National Park Ulurú-Kata Tjuta. Australia.
  • 47 National Park Kakadu. Australia.
  • 48 Rock Islands Southern Lagoon. Republic of Palaos.