Type of site:
National park
Place of location: Naquane
Village/Town: Capo di Ponte
Municipality: (Brescia)
Region: Lombardía
State: Italy
Telephone: (+39) 036442140
Website: http://www.parcoincisioni.capodiponte.beniculturali.it/
E-mail: archeologica.cdp@inwind.it
Natural Environment:
The National Park of Rock Art of Naquane is located in Valcamonica, Italy. Its natural environment consists of picturesque valleys, rugged mountains, and the flowing Oglio River. The park is nestled within the Alps, offering stunning views and a serene atmosphere. The surrounding landscape provides a beautiful backdrop to the ancient rock art, which is one of the park’s main attractions. Visitors can enjoy hiking trails that wind through the park, offering glimpses of both the breathtaking scenery and the fascinating prehistoric art.
Archaeological evidences in the site:
The National Park of Rock Art of Naquane is renowned for its rich archaeological evidence, particularly its collection of prehistoric rock art. Here are some notable archaeological features and evidence found in the park:
-Rock Art
-Cup and Ring Marks
-Settlement Remains
Overall, the National Park of Rock Art of Naquane is a treasure trove of archaeological evidence, offering a glimpse into the lives and cultures of prehistoric peoples who once inhabited the region.