Type of site:
Cave and Interpretation centre.
Place of location: Urban park of Maltravieso
Village/Town: Cáceres
Municipality: Cáceres (Cáceres)
Region: Extremadura
State: Spain
Telephone: (+34) 927 22 20 62, (+34) 927 010 877
Website: http://museodecaceres.juntaex.es/web/view/portal/index/standardPage.php?id=12
E-mail: museocaceres@juntaex.es
Natural Environment:
The municipality of Cáceres is located in the natural area known as “Llanos de Cáceres”, a peneplain situated between the San Pedro and Montánchez mountain ranges. It includes eight areas of special protection for birds (ZEPA), some of them within its urban area, something unusual.
Archaeological evidences in the site:
The area of Cáceres hosts a large number of Archaeological sites, from Lower Palaeolithic to the Middle Age. It is one of the most important areas for the knowledge of the human history in the Iberian Peninsula in general, and Extremadura in particular. In several caves of the El Calerizo zone, have been studied different sites from the Middle and Upper Pleistocene, including Maltravieso Cave that preserves the first artistic expressions of Extremadura. Epipaleolithic, Neolithic and Metal Ages evidences are very commons in the area, in caves and in open air settlements. The city was founded during the Roman period, when a roman army campament was placed in the area. Currently, the city is World Heritage by UNESCO due to its amazing Medieval architecture.