Type of site:
Place of location: Haute Ariège - Vallée du Vicdessos
Village/Town: Niaux
Municipality: Ariège (Midi Pyrénées)
Region: Occitanie
State: France
Telephone: (+33) (0) 561 051 010, (+33) (0) 561 058 837
Website: http://www.sites-touristiques-ariege.fr/sites-touristiques-ariege/grotte-de-niaux
E-mail: grottedeniaux@sites-touristiques-ariege.fr
Natural Environment:
The cave is located in a wider geological system that also includes the Caves of Sabart and Lombrives, in the hill of Cap de Lesse.
Archaeological evidences in the site:
Although the cave does not have a clearly-defined archaeological context, it contains rock art of the greatest importance. The area that can be visited is the “Black Room”, the chamber with most of the animal figures.