Type of site:
Place of location: Los Almádenes
Village/Town: Cieza
Municipality: Cieza (Murcia)
Region: Murcia
State: Spain
Telephone: 968 453 500
Website: https://www.regmurcia.com/servlet/s.Sl?sit=c,373,m,3491&r=ReP-15673-DETALLE_REPORTAJESPADRE
E-mail: oficina.turismo@cieza.es
Natural Environment:
The site is on Jumilla-Yecla Plateau, a plain 700m above sea level, with a few mountains, of which the largest is Monte Arabi.
Archaeological evidences in the site:
At Monte Arabi, as well as the rock-shelters of Cantos de la Visera and Cueva del Mediodía, there is the fortified settlement of El Arabilejo, dated in the Bronze Age (2nd millennium BC) and areas of rock engravings (cup-marks) associated with the settlement, forming a prehistoric complex of the first order within the context of the Spanish Levant.