Type de site:
Cave and Visitors' Centre
Lieu de location: Limestone hill 200m above sea level, overlooking the large Nalón Valley. On the road from Grullos to Peñaullán (AS-236).
Ville: San Román de Candamo
Commune: Candamo (Asturias)
Région: Principado de Asturias
Pays: Espagne
Site Web: https://www.turismoasturias.es/descubre/cultura/arte-rupestre/rupestre-cueva-de-la-pena-de-candamo
Environnement naturel:
The cave is located at the top of a limestone hill above the valley of the River Nalón, in a typical landscape of deciduous woodland, meadows, and small villages scattered across the valley.
Eléments archéologiques du site:
Nalon Valley host one of the most important concentration of Palaeolithic sites of the Cantabrian Region, with caves and rock-shelters very well known like San Román de Candamo, La Viña, Las Caldas, Lluera I and II, Santo Adriano, El Conde, etc., etc. Ten caves at least preserve rock art manifestations. The labelled “Style of Nalon”, composed of engravings located in the vestibules of the caves and shelters, is very appreciate by archaeologists and rock art supporters. Hinds, aurochs, goats and horses are represented by a very few deep lines carved in the limestone.