Tipo de sitio:
Rock-Shelters and Rock Art Interpretation Centre
Lugar de localización: Monfragüe National Park
Localidad: Torrejon el Rubio
Municipio: Torrejón el Rubio (Cáceres)
Región: Extremadura
País: España
Página Web: http://centrosurmonfrague.com/centro-arte-rupestre-monfrague/ https://www.turismocaceres.org/es/informacion-turistica/centro-de-interpretacion-de-pinturas-de-arte-rupestre
Entorno Natural:
Monfragüe National Park is one of the most important wildlife reserves in Extremadura and one of the best in Europe. It occupies an area of almost 18,000 hectares in the northeast of the province of Cáceres, between the towns of Plasencia and Trujillo, and is arranged as a complex succession of mountains that enclose its interior valleys, among which those formed by the confluence of the rivers Tajo and Tiétar stand out. The area became a National Park in 2006. The Mediterranean forest is very well-conserved, with a large range of wildlife, including some endangered species (golden eagle, black vulture, black stork, Iberian lynx). The quartzite mountains (Sierra de las Corchuelas, Peña Falcón, Sierra de Santa Catalina, Sierra de Mohedas, etc) frame the courses of the Rivers Tajo and Tiétar, which cross the centre of the park.
Evidencias arqueológicas del sitio:
The Monfragüe National Park, apart from its unquestionable environmental values, is home to one of the largest concentrations of cave art in the Iberian Peninsula with more than 110 painted shelters. Some of them can be visited by appointment, both in the area of Sierra de Santa Catalina (very close to the municipality of Serradilla), where the rock art merges with an exceptional landscape, and in the area of Salto del Angel, in the small town of Torrejón el Rubio.