Tipo de sitio:
Lugar de localización: Cueva Chiquita
Localidad: Cañamero
Municipio: Cañamero (Cáceres)
Región: Extremadura
País: España
Página Web: https://www.geoparquevilluercas.es/centro-de-interpretacion/centro-de-interpretacion-de-la-arqueologiaberzocana/ http://www.villuercas.net/canamero/contenidos/patrimonio-pinturas-rupestres.php
Entorno Natural:
In the heart of Las Villuercas region, one of the most spectacular parts of the region, with well-conserved Mediterranean woodland and impressive mountain ranges with some of the highest peaks in Extremadura.
Evidencias arqueológicas del sitio:
The Villuercas region has an important Archaeological context, from the Palaeolithic to the Middle Ages. The most important record is foccused on Recent Prehistory, especially the Bronze and Iron Ages, with many remains of daily file and personal adornments of gold. Roman evidences are important too, like the roman villae of Valhondo. Rock Art is an important reference point and includes Palaeolithic engravings in the Mina de Ibor cave and especially a lot of decorated rock-shelters with a large number of representantions of Schematic Art.