Tipo de sitio:
Lugar de localización: Infierno Ravine. Mount Cuarto del Halcón.
Localidad: Ayna
Municipio: Ayna (Albacete)
Región: Castilla-La Mancha
País: España
Página Web: https://cultura.castillalamancha.es/patrimonio/catalogo-patrimonio-cultural/cueva-del-nino
Entorno Natural:
The Cueva del Niño is located on the bank of the Mundo River, between the peaks of Halcón (1232 m) and Albarda (1254 m), several kilometres upstream from Royo Odrea, the village of Ayna, and very close to the border with Bogarra. The cave is in the limestone hills of Sierra del Segura and Alcaraz, which are intensely folded in the Ayna area, shaping a very steep relief. The cave is in one of the ravines, Infierno Ravine, surrounded by woodland with pines and holm oaks. The local fauna includes ibex and golden eagles.
Evidencias arqueológicas del sitio:
Niño Cave fills an empty space in the distribution of Palaeolithic rock art. It is situated in a region between the sites on the Meseta (La Griega Cave in Segovia and Casares in Guadalajara) and Andalusia (La Pileta, Doña Trinidad. Nerja, Higuerón, Toro). The type of representations indicates that thematically the cave is closer to the Andalusian sites than to those on the Meseta.