Type of site:
Place of location: Haute Ariège - Vallée du Vicdessos
Village/Town: Alliat
Municipality: Ariège (Midi Pyrénées)
Region: Occitanie
State: France
Telephone: (+33) (0) 561 059 506
Website: http://www.grotte-de-la-vache.org/
E-mail: contact@grotte-de-la-vache.org
Natural Environment:
The cave is in the Vicdessos Valley, on the opposite side of the valley from Niaux Cave, at the eastern end of the massif of Les Trois Seigneurs.
Archaeological evidences in the site:
The cave contains a deposit dated in the Magdalenian, when it was used as a dwelling. It has yielded a large number of artefacts and decorated objects. One of the richest Magdalenian sites in the Pyrenees.