•  Google Maps:
    43.353093, -1.205938

Type of site:

Place of location: Gaztelu Hill
Village/Town: Donamartiri
Municipality: Saint Martin d´Arberoue (Pyrenées Atlantiques-Pays Basque)
Region: Nouvelle Aquitaine
State: France
Telephone: (+33) (0) 559 296 472

Natural Environment:

The cave is in a beautiful limestone hill, overlooking a landscape of small fields used for traditional farming. Patches of Atlantic woodland complete the scenery, alternating with the meadows and small villages. The Pyrenees are not far away, to the south.

Archaeological evidences in the site:

As well as the cave art, which mainly consists of Magdalenian rock engravings, the caves contain one of the most important archaeological deposits in Europe, with a sequence ranging from the Middle Palaeolithic to the Azilian. The levels dated in the Early Upper Palaeolithic: the Aurignacian and the Gravettian, are especially important. The excavations under way, which can be visited, are concentrating on the Aurignacian levels. In addition, Isturitz has one of the best collections of portable art objects in western Europe, consisting of delicate pieces in bone and antler.

Opening Times:

Open every day from March 15 to November 15. Times vary depending on the season, please inquire in advance.

Booking and access:

Advance booking by telephone (+330 559 296472) or by email

Nearby cultural destinations:

Basque Museum and Bonnat Museum in Bayona. Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port. Hasparren Department Archaeological Centre. Sare Caves.

Nearby natural destinations:

The French Basque Country has a wide range of natural areas, from the beaches of Hendaye, St Jean de Luz and Biarritz to the western peaks of the Pyrenees and their green and peaceful valleys. Near Isturitz-Oxocelhaya Caves there is a number of marked footpaths to explore the area.

Accommodations (Tourism Website):

Restaurants (Tourism Website):