Type of site:
Place of location: Hermitage of Cánava
Village/Town: Jimena
Municipality: Jimena (Jaén)
Region: Andalucía
State: Spain
Telephone: (+34) 953 357 001
Website: https://www.juntadeandalucia.es/medioambiente/portal/web/ventanadelvisitante
E-mail: ayuntamientodejimena@gmail.com
Natural Environment:
Sierra Mágina Natural Park. The Massif of Sierra Mágina is catalogued in the Special Plan for the Protection of the Physical Environment.
Archaeological evidences in the site:
LA GRAJA I: This is a shallow rock-shelter with a small alcove in the centre and towards the interior, which divides the wall into two parts, both of which contain paintings. They are about 6m wide and 5m high at the entrance and 6m deep. The paintings are divided into the groups on the right and on the left of the entrance. Each of these includes several sub-groups. LA GRAJA II: This is a small shallow rock-shelter on a narrow ledge, 5m from the base of the cliffs.