Type of site:
Open-air Site
Place of location: Siega Verde
Village/Town: Villar de Argañán / Villar de la Yegua / Castillejo de Martín Viejo
Municipality: Villar de Argañán / Villar de la Yegua / Castillejo de Martín Viejo (Salamanca)
Region: Castilla y León
State: Spain
Telephone: (+34) 923 480 198, (+34) 653 781 071
Website: http://www.siegaverde.es/
E-mail: visitas@siegaverde.es
Natural Environment:
This unique archaeological site is on the banks of the Águeda River, 15km downriver of the town of Ciudad Rodrigo, near a bridge and old water mill, at the last ford across the river before it enters Las Arribes. Pools of water exist even in the driest weather, doubtlessly making it a special place, chosen in Prehistory as a crossing place where the animals that came to drink could be observed.
Archaeological evidences in the site:
Siega Verde is the most important open-air Palaeolithic site in the region of Castilla-Leon, and together with the nearby Portuguese site of Foz Coa, the most outstanding open-air site in the Iberian Peninsula.