•  Google Maps:
    39.221789, -7.016082

Type of site:

Place of location: Risco de San Blas
Village/Town: Alburquerque
Municipality: Alburquerque (Badajoz)
Region: Extremadura
State: Spain
Telephone: (+34) 924 401 202

Natural Environment:

The natural territoty where Alburquerque is located is characterised by its rugged terrain, through which numerous streams and creeks flow. It is an area with an exceptional degree of conservation, mainly due to the low population density in recent times. The typical vegetation is the characteristic Mediterranean forest of oaks and cork oaks, with extensions of broom and several species of rockrose. The orography of the terrain with its rocks and cliffs, vegetation and water courses (rivers Guadarranque and Zapatón) give rise to very attractive landscapes that contrast with the surrounding plains. The fauna is rich and varied. The Sierra de San Pedro is one of the most important ornithological enclaves in Extremadura. A privileged destination for birdwatching where the populations of Black Stork, Black Vulture or Iberian Imperial Eagle stand out, for example. Other important species are the Egyptian Vulture and the Griffon Vulture.

Archaeological evidences in the site:

The wide territory that stretches from north to south through the provinces of Cáceres and Badajoz along the Spanish-Portuguese border is known by the generic name of La Raya. It is a unique space where you can find dolmens, bastionic fortifications and, of course, a lot of cave art. The entrance to the shelters of Risco de San Blas is located to the west of the town of Alburquerque, next to the Polvorín and a building that housed the Guard Corps of the eighteenth century.

Opening Times:

There is no visiting regime all year round. Booking the visit is convenient.

Booking and access:

Visits must be reserved at the Albuquerque Tourist Office (+34 924 401 202)

Nearby cultural destinations:

Historical town and Medieval Castle of Alburquerque.

Nearby natural destinations:

Zona de Interés Regional Llanos de Cáceres y Sierra de Fuentes; Sierra de San Pedro; Parque Nacional de Monfragüe.

Accommodations (Tourism Website):

Restaurants (Tourism Website):